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Methods, Links

This page includes links that relate to the three presented sets of methods, namely participation and participatory approaches, stakeholder analysis, and social analysis, together with related resources, as suggested by group members and others.

The knowledge available on this page is based on suggestions from users like yourself. The email address to be used to contribute your own links is available on this page).

  1. CDA Collaborative Learning Projects. [access]
  2. Environment Council. [access]
  3. Global Reporting Initiative. [access]
  4. LinkedIn. Group ‘Stakeholder analysis.’ [access]
  5. Project Management Hut. [access]
  6. date. “text.“ [access]
  7. Wikipedia. “Stakeholder.” [access]
  8. Wikipedia. “Stakeholder analysis.” [access]
  9. Wikipedia. “Stakeholder (corporate).” [access]
  10. Wikipedia. “Stakeholder engagement.” [access]
  11. Wikipedia. “Stakeholder management.” [access]
  12. Wikipedia. “Stakeholder theory.” [access]